Tuesday 25 April 2017

I have a you tube account

Like you read in the TITLE I have a you tube channel and I decided to make this decision because 1, it is fun 2, my eight year old autistic brother (Little VIP Gamer) has more subscribers than me.wow! but if you are wondering if has anything to do with my blog I say NO but maybe in the future it will become all that my you tube account is about, you never know and if you do want to know what it is about, it is me playing on games on the internet and a fun one my friend helped me make, well I just had fun choosing the colours!

So for everyone who is interested, here is a link-click this link to go to my channel ( ginger boy )  oh and now that I think about it I should of picked something else because there are like 8 different people with practically the same name!

Monday 3 April 2017

I have not posted in ages

Iv'e been to busy to post as i have school , homework, hospital and rehearsals but it is the school holidays now and I am free to make blogs! sorry if you needed something to read but i hadn't posted in ages so I am sorry if you lost interest but it feels kind of annoying that I might be losing viewers but then again blogs are getting more and more popular every day so i feel that even if I have lost bits of my audience they will probably come back because I hope blogging will become a new trend, and don't forget to tell your friends about me on twitter!

Monday 27 February 2017

I am so close to my goal!

some of you might remember (well only 13 so far) that my goal is to have five-hundred total views as stated in my previous blog post 'NO MORE SCHOOL!' and it turns out that i have already four hundred,so only one hundred left to go.On the subject of views my best blog right now(the time i am posting) is sixty an for me that is amazing because last time i checked my best blog had forty two,i am defiantly going to make a milestone blog every,well obviously milestone!  

Tuesday 21 February 2017

I'm a Good Friend!

I just help Squidasuares, yes i helped a fellow blogger basicly he wasn't sharing them and it don't matter because i wrote his blog and he is pretty popular i mean it has been five minuets and forty people have seen his blog and if he sees this your welcome.

House Games!

today in house games i had three hours spare time because i didn't do house games as i was in hospital when they were signing up for it and i have nothing to do for ages so i started writing a blog about it.I am going to be honest and say that i am quite glad to be not doing it because doing sports is not my favourite thing to do unlike writing . I like writing(only on computers though.)so YAY Blogger Image result for blogger

Monday 20 February 2017

how weird?...your so cool!

how weird is it that as soon as I post my blog i get a view,i'm not saying that it is bad and I want people to continue but to be that fast you would have to be on a really ,really fast computer or be on by blog twenty four seven ,(again if you are i don't want you to stop!)but it was odd to notice and i wanted to know if you have a blog of your own if it happens for you also and i also wanted to think about what to write next, i might write about my fish sparkles again because he is part of my most popular blog.  

Friday 17 February 2017

number TEN!

this is (by the title) my TENTH blog from Gingerboyspeaks for the first time(telling you about myself) all the way to no more school! those are my good but my most popular post is sparkles the special fish but now i only have seven more days until my birthday and a part in Annie Jr (that i will blog about as soon as i find out what part i get and i still have lots of exiting events always because of my mum (madmumof7) i think this will be the most exiting couple of months ever for me (apart for when i went to Disneyland or Butlins of course)

Saturday 11 February 2017

No More School!

I can't tell if it is good or bad because i love school but at the same time i am glad to have a break.Not only that but there is only 13 more days until my birthday , i got a part in Annie Jr , i am having two party's(mine and my friends) and i hopefully will reach five-hundred total views!  

Thursday 9 February 2017

I Got A Part In Annie Jr

this is probably the most exiting day of my life (well at least one of them) today i got an email from an audition company (can't remember which one) saying i could skip the third recall and straight away take part in the performance but the only problem is i do not know who or what i am (or are) other than that i made it. All i can say is that i am super proud of myself but i also fell weird about it because my friend that i normally audition with didn't make it in, other than that .I am exited!  

Monday 6 February 2017

Hospital AGAIN!!

I don't  like hospitals because you think you can go to do one thin was all fine until three hours through my phones batteries died. i was the most bored i have ever been ever!Anyway at one point i got fed up and made a foam building and i called it The Bored Foam.⬇

Sunday 5 February 2017

quick. WOW!

I cant believe it . i have written five blogs in five days, if you complain that they are really short the reason for that is because i am eleven and i'm not very good at it ,not only that but i also have school and homework to do i do this as a hobby and i didn't realise that so many people would see it because of how many people actually blog in the world and how much better all those people are than me. all i wanted to say is that i was super exited and that i will try to write more blogs for as long as i can!

Saturday 4 February 2017

I Just Saw Storks before it was released!

I just Saw Storks but the small twist that makes it amazing is that it has not come out yet , and yes i know some people might say but storks is out,that is because it probably been some time since i posted. It was spectacular because i went to Warner bros headquarters in London where we made bags masks and in the goody bag afterwards i got my very own copy of storks on a DVD to take home! not only that but i went to spaghetti house and after yesterday when i went to hospital craved ice cream ... guess what, I GOT ICE CREAM!

I Went To Hospital

yes i went to hospital because of pains in my tummy but it wasn't that bad because i got a treat at the end but i did't like it because i had a blood test that hurt a bit and i was stuck in the hospital for six hours with nothing to do, so i wrote a blog about my fish and that is why i am releasing three different blogs in one day , one after the other, after the other. after that wasn't very interesting because it was ten o'clock and i just went to bed but i am fine now with a hole where the needle went in!    

Sparkles The Special Fish!

Hello , today i will be talking about my AWESOME pet fish.His name is sparkles.he lives in a fish tank with a Sponge-bob pineapple and a squid-ward rock. i think that he lives an amazing life despite lots of his friends have died of old age.if you want to know why he is called sparkles I will tell you , it is because one day when I had other fish I saw a fish named sparkles in the aquarium  so I promised myself if my family or me got another fish I would be called sparkles and I did I love my fish and so should you !Image result for goldfish

Wednesday 1 February 2017

I can't wait!

I have started a countdown because there is only twenty-four more days until guess what...It's my BIRTHDAY!! yes and i'm having a Nerf birthday party and if i had to pick any Nerf weapon to be my favourite it would defiantly be the Nerf Maverick  because it was the first gun I shot and i just generally love it.but if i had to choose a gun to have it would be this weapon⬇! 
Nerf Minigun

the only problem is that this costs
one-thousand - five hundred pounds.

Tuesday 31 January 2017

Ginger Boy Speaks For The First Time!

The story behind the ginger!

I am ginger boy , well... I'm not actually ginger , it starts to become ginger after it is cut, wet or if it is really hot outside but I may as well be a full ginger because I can't have it so if I have to write down my hair colour I put it as partly ginger. can I ?

If your familiar with food blogs or family/lifestyle blog you probably would have heard of my mum (Madmumof7) If you don't know who she is click on the link because she was the person that inspired me to start a blog I know I will not be as good because I haven't been a journalist before and Iv'e never written a blog but I have a feeling that this will be amazing.